libdali 1.8.0
The DataLink client library
No Matches
Data Structures | Functions
Connection managment functions

Definitions and functions for DataLink connections. More...

Data Structures

struct  DLCP
struct  DLPacket


DLCPdl_newdlcp (char *address, char *progname)
 Create a new DataLink Connection Parameter (DLCP) structure.
void dl_freedlcp (DLCP *dlconn)
 Free a DataLink Connection Parameter (DLCP) structure.
int dl_exchangeIDs (DLCP *dlconn, int parseresp)
 Send the ID command to the DataLink server and parse response.
int64_t dl_position (DLCP *dlconn, int64_t pktid, dltime_t pkttime)
 Position the client read position.
int64_t dl_position_after (DLCP *dlconn, dltime_t datatime)
 Position the client read position based on data time.
int64_t dl_match (DLCP *dlconn, char *matchpattern)
 Set the packet match parameters for a connection.
int64_t dl_reject (DLCP *dlconn, char *rejectpattern)
 Set the packet reject parameters for a connection.
int64_t dl_write (DLCP *dlconn, void *packet, int packetlen, char *streamid, dltime_t datastart, dltime_t dataend, int ack)
 Send a packet to the DataLink server.
int dl_read (DLCP *dlconn, int64_t pktid, DLPacket *packet, void *packetdata, size_t maxdatasize)
 Request a packet from the DataLink server.
int dl_getinfo (DLCP *dlconn, const char *infotype, char *infomatch, char **infodata, size_t maxinfosize)
 Request information from the DataLink server.
int dl_collect (DLCP *dlconn, DLPacket *packet, void *packetdata, size_t maxdatasize, int8_t endflag)
 Collect packets streaming from the DataLink server.
int dl_collect_nb (DLCP *dlconn, DLPacket *packet, void *packetdata, size_t maxdatasize, int8_t endflag)
 Collect packets streaming from the DataLink server without blocking.
int dl_handlereply (DLCP *dlconn, void *buffer, int buflen, int64_t *value)
 Handle the server reply to a command.
void dl_terminate (DLCP *dlconn)
 Set the terminate parameter of a DataLink connection.
char * dl_read_streamlist (DLCP *dlconn, const char *streamfile)
 Create a compound regular expression from a list in a file.
int dl_recoverstate (DLCP *dlconn, const char *statefile)
 Recover DataLink connection state from a file.
int dl_savestate (DLCP *dlconn, const char *statefile)
 Save a DataLink connection state to a file.

Detailed Description

Definitions and functions for DataLink connections.

Data Structure Documentation


struct DLCP

◆ DLPacket

struct DLPacket

Function Documentation

◆ dl_newdlcp()

DLCP * dl_newdlcp ( char *  address,
char *  progname 

Create a new DataLink Connection Parameter (DLCP) structure.

Allocate, initialze and return a pointer to a new DLCP struct.

addressAddress of DataLink server in "host:port" format
prognameName of program, usually argv[0]
allocated DLCP struct on success, NULL on error.

◆ dl_freedlcp()

void dl_freedlcp ( DLCP dlconn)

Free a DataLink Connection Parameter (DLCP) structure.

Free all memory associated with a DLCP struct.

dlconnDLCP to free

◆ dl_exchangeIDs()

int dl_exchangeIDs ( DLCP dlconn,
int  parseresp 

Send the ID command to the DataLink server and parse response.

Send the ID command including the client ID and optionally parse the capability flags from the server response. This routine is always called when a connection is first made using dl_connect() and shouldn't normally need to be called again.

dlconnDataLink Connection Parameters
parserespFlag to control parsing of server response.
-1 on errors, 0 on success.

◆ dl_position()

int64_t dl_position ( DLCP dlconn,
int64_t  pktid,
dltime_t  pkttime 

Position the client read position.

Set the client read position to a specified packet ID and packet time. A packet ID and time together uniquely identify a packet in a DataLink server. The packet time must match the packet ID currently in the server's buffer or the positioning request will fail.

As a special case pktid maybe be set to LIBDALI_POSITION_EARLIEST or LIBDALI_POSITION_LATEST to set the client read position to the earliest or latest packet. In both cases the pkttime value is ignored.

dlconnDataLink Connection Parameters
pktidPacket ID to set position to
pkttimePacket time cooresponding to pktid
A positive packet ID on success, 0 when packet is not found and -1 on error.

◆ dl_position_after()

int64_t dl_position_after ( DLCP dlconn,
dltime_t  datatime 

Position the client read position based on data time.

Set the client read position to the first packet with a data end time after a reference datatime. The reference time must be specified as a dltime_t value, see dl_time2dltime() and friends to generate these time values.

dlconnDataLink Connection Parameters
datatimeReference data time as a dltime_t value
A positive packet ID on success and -1 on error.

◆ dl_match()

int64_t dl_match ( DLCP dlconn,
char *  matchpattern 

Set the packet match parameters for a connection.

Send new match pattern to server or reset matching. If matchpattern is NULL a zero length pattern command is sent to the server which resets the client matching setting.

The packet match pattern limits which packets are sent to the client in streaming mode, this is the mode used for dl_collect() and dl_collect_nb() requests.

dlconnDataLink Connection Parameters
matchpatternMatch regular expression
the count of currently matched streams on success and -1 on error.

◆ dl_reject()

int64_t dl_reject ( DLCP dlconn,
char *  rejectpattern 

Set the packet reject parameters for a connection.

Send new reject pattern to server or reset rejecting. If rejectpattern is NULL a zero length pattern command is sent to the server which resets the client rejecting setting.

The packet reject pattern limits which packets are sent to the client in streaming mode, this is the mode used for dl_collect() and dl_collect_nb() requests.

dlconnDataLink Connection Parameters
rejectpatternReject regular expression
the count of currently rejected streams on success and -1 on error.

◆ dl_write()

int64_t dl_write ( DLCP dlconn,
void *  packet,
int  packetlen,
char *  streamid,
dltime_t  datastart,
dltime_t  dataend,
int  ack 

Send a packet to the DataLink server.

Send a packet to the server and optionally request and process an acknowledgement from the server. An appropriate DataLink packet header is created from the supplied parameters and sent with the packet data.

When an acknowledgement from the server has been requested this routine will receive the response from the server and parse it, a successful acknowledgement is indicated by the return value.

dlconnDataLink Connection Parameters
packetPacket data buffer to send
packetlenLength of data in bytes to send from packet
streamidStream ID of packet
datastartData start time for packet
dataendData end time for packet
ackAcknowledgement flag, if true request acknowledgement
-1 on error and 0 on success when no acknowledgement is requested and a positive packet ID on success when acknowledgement is requested.

◆ dl_read()

int dl_read ( DLCP dlconn,
int64_t  pktid,
DLPacket packet,
void *  packetdata,
size_t  maxdatasize 

Request a packet from the DataLink server.

Request a specific packet from the server.

A maximum of maxdatasize will be written to packetdata. If the packet data is larger than this maximum size an error will be logged and 0 will be returned; the packet data will be recv'd and discarded in order to leave the connection in a usable state.

If this routine returns -1 the connection should be considered to be in a bad state and should be shut down.

dlconnDataLink Connection Parameters
pktidPacket ID to request
packetPointer to a DLPacket struct for the received packet header information
packetdataPointer to a buffer for received packet data
maxdatasizeMaximum data size to write to packetdata
Number of bytes of packet data received on success and -1 on error.

◆ dl_getinfo()

int dl_getinfo ( DLCP dlconn,
const char *  infotype,
char *  infomatch,
char **  infodata,
size_t  maxinfosize 

Request information from the DataLink server.

Request and receive information from the server using the DataLink INFO command. The INFO response is placed in the supplied infodata buffer. All DataLink INFO responses are returned as XML.

If maxinfosize argument is 0 memory will be allocated as needed for the INFO data result and the infodata pointer will be set to this new buffer; it is up to the caller to free this memory. If an infomatch string is supplied it will be appended to the INFO request sent to the server.

dlconnDataLink Connection Parameters
infotypeThe INFO type to request
infomatchAn optional match pattern
infodataBuffer to place the INFO response into
maxinfosizeMaximum number of bytes to write to infodata buffer
The length of the INFO response in bytes on success and -1 on error.

◆ dl_collect()

int dl_collect ( DLCP dlconn,
DLPacket packet,
void *  packetdata,
size_t  maxdatasize,
int8_t  endflag 

Collect packets streaming from the DataLink server.

Collect packets streaming from the DataLink server. If the connection is not already in streaming mode the STREAM command will first be sent. This routine will block until a packet is received sending keepalive packets to the server based on the DLCP.keepalive parameter.

Designed to run in a tight loop at the heart of a client program, this function will return every time a packet is received. On successfully receiving a packet dlpack will be populated and the packet data will be copied into packetdata.

If the endflag is true the ENDSTREAM command is sent which instructs the server to stop streaming packets; a client must continue collecting packets until DLENDED is returned in order to get any packets that were in-the-air when ENDSTREAM was requested. The stream ending sequence must be completed if the connection is to be used after streaming mode.

Return values
DLPACKETwhen a packet is received.
DLENDEDwhen the stream ending sequence was completed or the connection was shut down.
DLERRORwhen an error occurred.

◆ dl_collect_nb()

int dl_collect_nb ( DLCP dlconn,
DLPacket packet,
void *  packetdata,
size_t  maxdatasize,
int8_t  endflag 

Collect packets streaming from the DataLink server without blocking.

Collect packets streaming from the DataLink server. If the connection is not already in streaming mode the STREAM command will first be sent. This routine is a non-blocking version of dl_collect() and will return quickly whether data is received or not. Keep alive packets are sent to the server based on the DLCP.keepalive parameter.

Designed to run in a tight loop at the heart of a client program, this function will return every time a packet is received. On successfully receiving a packet dlpack will be populated and the packet data will be copied into packetdata.

If the endflag is true the ENDSTREAM command is sent which instructs the server to stop streaming packets; a client must continue collecting packets until DLENDED is returned in order to get any packets that were in-the-air when ENDSTREAM was requested. The stream ending sequence must be completed if the connection is to be used after streaming mode.

Return values
DLPACKETA packet is received.
DLNOPACKETNo packet is received.
DLENDEDwhen the stream ending sequence was completed or the connection was shut down.
DLERRORwhen an error occurred.

◆ dl_handlereply()

int dl_handlereply ( DLCP dlconn,
void *  buffer,
int  buflen,
int64_t *  value 

Handle the server reply to a command.

Handle the server reply to a command. This routine is used by other library routines to process replies from the server.

Server replies are of the form:

"OK|ERROR value size"

followed by an optional server message of size bytes. If size is greater than zero it will be read from the connection and placed into buffer. The server message, if included, will always be a NULL-terminated string.

Return values
0"OK" received
1"ERROR" received

◆ dl_terminate()

void dl_terminate ( DLCP dlconn)

Set the terminate parameter of a DataLink connection.

Set the terminate parameter/flag in the DLCP and log a diagnostic message indicating that the connection is terminating. Some of the library routines watch the terminate parameter as an indication that the client program is requesting a shut down. This routine is typically used in a signal handler.

◆ dl_read_streamlist()

char * dl_read_streamlist ( DLCP dlconn,
const char *  streamfile 

Create a compound regular expression from a list in a file.

Read a list of stream regular expressions from a file and create a compound regular expression. The caller is responsible for free'ing the returned string.

A composite regex pattern on success and NULL on error.

◆ dl_recoverstate()

int dl_recoverstate ( DLCP dlconn,
const char *  statefile 

Recover DataLink connection state from a file.

Recover connection state from a state file and set the state parameters in a given DataLink Connection Paramters.

dlconnDataLink Connection Parameters
statefileFile to recover state from
Return values
0Completed successfully
1File could not be opened (probably not found)

◆ dl_savestate()

int dl_savestate ( DLCP dlconn,
const char *  statefile 

Save a DataLink connection state to a file.

Save the all the current the sequence numbers and time stamps into the given state file.

dlconnDataLink Connection Parameters
statefileFile to save state to
Return values
0Completed successfully