libdali 1.8.0
The DataLink client library
No Matches
libdali: the DataLink client library


The purpose of this library is to provide all needed functionality for communicating via the DataLink protocol in a generalized way. This library facilitates rapid DataLink client development as the client does not need to know any details of the DataLink protocol. The library is written in C.

The DataLink Connection Parameters

The usage philosophy is that each connection to DataLink server is associated with a DataLink Connection Parameters (DLCP) descriptor which contains both connection paramters and state information. In libdali the DLCP is implemented as a C struct which is used by most of the utility functions. The struct is given below with descriptions of each parameter:

typedef struct DLCP_s
char addr[100];
char clientid[200];
int keepalive;
int iotimeout;
int link;
float serverproto;
int32_t maxpktsize;
int8_t writeperm;
int64_t pktid;
dltime_t pkttime;
int8_t keepalive_trig;
dltime_t keepalive_time;
int8_t terminate;
int8_t streaming;
DLLog *log;
Definition libdali.h:236
Definition libdali.h:220
addrThe address of the DataLink server to connect to in 'host:port' format. example: "localhost:16000". The host or port specifications are both optional, they will default to 'localhost' and '16000' respectively.
clientidClient identification sent to the server during initial handshake. This ID is populated in a call to dl_newdlcp(). Normally this takes the form of: "progname:username:pid:arch", for example: "dalitool:rt:6055:SunOS-5.10"
keepaliveInterval in seconds to send keepalive packets to the server when no data is being received with either dl_collect() or dl_collect_nb(). Default interval is 600 seconds, 0 to disable.
iotimeoutNetwork I/O timeout in seconds. Send and receive operations will be interrupted after this timeout to avoid hung socket connections. Default timeout is 60 seconds, 0 to disable.

The following parameters are maintained by the library routines and should generally not be set externally.

linkThis is the file descriptor associated with the connected network socket. This value will be -1 when not connected to a server.
serverprotoThe DataLink protocol version of the connected server. This is set during connection handshake and will be 0.0 if it was not supplied by the server.
maxpktsizeThe maximum packet size supported by the connected server. This is set during connection handshake and will be 0 if it was not supplied by the server.
writepermA flag indicating if the server has granted the client write permission. This is set during connection handshake and will be 1 if write permission is granted and 0 otherwise.
pktidPacket ID of the last packet received. A packet ID is a large integer uniquely identifying a packet in a DataLink server instance.
pkttimePacket time of the last packet received. Each DataLink packet has an associated packet creation time which, when combined with the pktid, can be used to uniquely identify a packet in a DataLink server instance.
keepalive_timeThese are used to trigger and track the sending of keep- alive packets.
terminateUsed internally to indicate connection termination.
streamingUsed to indicate status of streaming mode, set to either true (1) or false (0). Streaming mode is activated when either dl_collect() or dl_collect_nb() is initially called, a specific call to those functions will deactivate streaming. When a connection is in streaming mode most server query functions will not work.
logLogging parameters specific to this connection.

Configuring a DataLink connection

There are a number of functions to assist with the creation of a DLCP struct and the configuration of a connection (see the man pages for programming details):

dl_newdlcp() : Allocate and initialize a DLCP struct with default values.

dl_freedlcp() : Free all memory associated with a DLCP struct.

dl_position() : Position the connection to a specific packet in the DataLink server based on packet ID and packet time.

dl_position_after() : Position the connection to a specific packet in DataLink server based on data time.

dl_match() : Send a new regular expression matching pattern to the DataLink server. Used to limit packets to specific stream IDs for packet transfer or stream listing.

dl_reject() : Send a new regular expression rejecting pattern to the DataLink server, the antithesis of the matching pattern.

Fundamental read, write and query

dl_read() : Read a specific packet from a DataLink server.

dl_write() : Write a supplied packet to a DataLink server.

dl_getinfo() : Submit an INFO request to and collect the response from a DataLink server. Responses are in XML. Request types include STATUS, STREAMS and CONNECTIONS.

Using the connection manager

Two primary functions are provided to collect packets from a DataLink server in streaming mode: dl_collect() and dl_collect_nb().

dl_collect() : Collect and return a packet each time called. Keepalive packets are sent at the keepalive interval when no packets are being sent from the server. If a connection is not currently configured in streaming mode, the first call to dl_collect() will turn this mode on. Designed to run in a tight loop at the heart of a client program this routine blocks until a packet is received.

dl_collect_nb() : This is a non-blocking version of dl_collect(), it will always return whether a packet is received or not.

dl_terminate() : Set the terminate flag in the connection parameters. This will cause dl_collect()/dl_collect_nb() to return DLENDED. This is commonly used in a signal handler to smoothly exit from a packet collection loop.

Using state files

The DataLink protocol is made stateful by tracking packet IDs and packet times. The state of a connection can be saved and recovered using state files and the following routines:

dl_savestate() : Save current packet ID and time to a file.

dl_recoverstate() : Recover packet ID and time from a file.

Controlling output from the library functions

All of the log and diagnostic messages emitted by the library functions use the same interface. The output from this interface can be controlled. This is useful when the library will be embedded in a larger system with a custom logging facility. See the man page for more details.

dl_loginit() : initialize the verbosity level of the library functions, also set the functions and prefixes used for log, diagnostic and error messages.

dl_log() : the central logging facility. Behavior is controlled by the settings specified with dl_loginit().

The default destination for log messages is standard output (stdout), while all diagnostic (including error) messages go to standard error (stderr). Most of the internal messages emmited by the library are considered diagnostic and will, by default, go to standard error.

The default prefix for log and diagnostic messages is nothing. The default prefix for diagnostic error messages is "error: ".

There are reentrant versions of these functions that operation either on the logging parameters in a DLCP struct or directly on a logging parameter DLLog struct. They are intended for use in threaded programs or where a complex logging scheme is desired. See the man pages for more details.

Threaded programming

The library is generally thread-safe on Unix-like platforms as long as each thread manages it's own DataLink Connection Parameters (see below). The one exeception is the handling of network I/O timeouts. On systems where the SO_RCVTIMEO and SO_SNDTIMEO socket options are not supported (e.g. Solaris) an alarm timer is used (see setitimer(2)) which, on most systems, utilizes the SIGALARM signal which can be misdirected to an unexpected thread. In this case it is suggested to disable the libdali timeout (set DLCP.iotimeout = 0) and implement another timeout mechanism if desired. The library is definitely not thread-safe under Win32.

Programming example

See the Examples for a DataLink client included with the library (in the "example" directory) that illustrates a simple client.

DataLink protocol

Reference for the DataLink protocol.