libdali 1.8.0
The DataLink client library
No Matches

Simple client

A simple DataLink client:

* daliclient.c
* An example DataLink client demonstrating the use of libdali.
* Connects to a DataLink server, configures a connection and collects
* data. Detailed information about the data received can be printed.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <libdali.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#define strcasecmp _stricmp
#define PACKAGE "daliclient"
static short int verbose = 0;
static char *statefile = 0; /* State file for saving/restoring state */
static char *matchpattern = 0; /* Source ID matching expression */
static char *rejectpattern = 0; /* Source ID rejecting expression */
static char *infotype = 0; /* INFO type to request */
static DLCP *dlconn; /* Connection parameters */
static int parameter_proc (int argcount, char **argvec);
static void usage (void);
main (int argc, char **argv)
DLPacket dlpack;
char packetdata[MAXPACKETSIZE];
char timestr[50];
char *infobuf = 0;
int infolen;
int endflag = 0;
/* Process given parameters (command line and parameter file) */
if ( parameter_proc (argc, argv) < 0 )
fprintf (stderr, "Parameter processing failed\n\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Try '-h' for detailed help\n");
return -1;
/* Connect to server */
if ( dl_connect (dlconn) < 0 )
fprintf (stderr, "Error connecting to server\n");
return -1;
/* Reposition connection */
if ( dlconn->pktid > 0 )
if ( dl_position (dlconn, dlconn->pktid, dlconn->pkttime) < 0 )
return -1;
/* Send match pattern if supplied */
if ( matchpattern )
if ( dl_match (dlconn, matchpattern) < 0 )
return -1;
/* Send reject pattern if supplied */
if ( rejectpattern )
if ( dl_reject (dlconn, rejectpattern) < 0 )
return -1;
/* Request INFO and print returned XML */
if ( infotype )
if ( (infolen = dl_getinfo (dlconn, infotype, matchpattern, &infobuf, 0)) < 0 )
dl_log (2, 0, "Problem requesting INFO from server\n");
return -1;
printf ("%.*s\n", infolen, infobuf);
if ( infobuf )
free (infobuf);
/* Otherwise collect packets in STREAMing mode */
/* Collect packets in streaming mode */
while ( dl_collect (dlconn, &dlpack, packetdata, sizeof(packetdata), endflag) == DLPACKET )
dl_dltime2seedtimestr (dlpack.datastart, timestr, 1);
dl_log (0, 0, "Received %s (%" PRId64 "), %s, %d\n",
dlpack.streamid, dlpack.pktid, timestr, dlpack.datasize);
/* Make sure everything is shut down and save the state file */
if ( dlconn->link != -1 )
dl_disconnect (dlconn);
/* Save the state file */
if ( statefile )
dl_savestate (dlconn, statefile);
if ( dlconn )
dl_freedlcp (dlconn);
return 0;
} /* End of main() */
* parameter_proc:
* Process the command line parameters.
* Returns 0 on success, and -1 on failure
static int
parameter_proc (int argcount, char **argvec)
char *address = 0;
int keepalive = -1;
int optind;
/* Process all command line arguments */
for (optind = 1; optind < argcount; optind++)
if (strcmp (argvec[optind], "-V") == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%s version: %s\n", PACKAGE, VERSION);
exit (0);
else if (strcmp (argvec[optind], "-h") == 0)
exit (0);
else if (strncmp (argvec[optind], "-v", 2) == 0)
verbose += strspn (&argvec[optind][1], "v");
else if (strcmp (argvec[optind], "-k") == 0)
keepalive = strtoul (argvec[++optind], NULL, 10);
else if (strcmp (argvec[optind], "-m") == 0)
matchpattern = argvec[++optind];
else if (strcmp (argvec[optind], "-r") == 0)
rejectpattern = argvec[++optind];
else if (strcmp (argvec[optind], "-i") == 0)
infotype = argvec[++optind];
else if (strcmp (argvec[optind], "-x") == 0)
statefile = argvec[++optind];
else if (strncmp (argvec[optind], "-", 1 ) == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n", argvec[optind]);
exit (1);
else if ( ! address )
address = argvec[optind];
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n", argvec[optind]);
exit (1);
/* Make sure a server was specified */
if ( ! address )
fprintf(stderr, "No DataLink server specified\n\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s version: %s\n\n", PACKAGE, VERSION);
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options] [host][:][port]\n", PACKAGE);
fprintf(stderr, "Try '-h' for detailed help\n");
exit (1);
/* Allocate and initialize a new connection description */
dlconn = dl_newdlcp (address, argvec[0]);
/* Set keepalive parameter, allow for valid value of 0 */
if ( keepalive >= 0 )
dlconn->keepalive = keepalive;
/* Initialize the verbosity for the dl_log function */
dl_loginit (verbose, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* Report the program version */
dl_log (0, 1, "%s version: %s\n", PACKAGE, VERSION);
/* Load the match stream list from a file if the argument starts with '@' */
if ( matchpattern && *matchpattern == '@' )
char *filename = matchpattern + 1;
if ( ! (matchpattern = dl_read_streamlist (dlconn, filename)) )
dl_log (2, 0, "Cannot read matching list file: %s\n", filename);
exit (1);
/* Load the reject stream list from a file if the argument starts with '@' */
if ( rejectpattern && *rejectpattern == '@' )
char *filename = rejectpattern + 1;
if ( ! (rejectpattern = dl_read_streamlist (dlconn, filename)) )
dl_log (2, 0, "Cannot read rejecting list file: %s\n", filename);
exit (1);
/* Recover from the state file and reposition */
if ( statefile )
if ( dl_recoverstate (dlconn, statefile) < 0 )
dl_log (2, 0, "Error reading state file\n");
exit (1);
return 0;
} /* End of parameter_proc() */
* usage:
* Print the usage message and exit.
static void
usage (void)
fprintf (stderr, "\nUsage: %s [options] [host][:][port]\n\n", PACKAGE);
fprintf (stderr,
" ## General program options ##\n"
" -V report program version\n"
" -h show this usage message\n"
" -v be more verbose, multiple flags can be used\n"
" -k secs specify keepalive interval in seconds\n"
" -m match specify stream ID matching pattern\n"
" -r reject specify stream ID rejecting pattern\n"
" -i type request INFO type, print XML and exit\n"
" -x statefile save/restore stream state information to this file\n"
" [host][:][port] Address of the DataLink server in host:port format\n"
" if host is omitted (i.e. ':16000'), localhost is assumed\n"
" if :port is omitted (i.e. 'localhost'), 16000 is assumed\n\n");
} /* End of usage() */
dltime_t datastart
Definition libdali.h:263
int keepalive
Definition libdali.h:239
int32_t datasize
Definition libdali.h:265
Definition libdali.h:243
int64_t pktid
Definition libdali.h:261
int64_t pktid
Definition libdali.h:247
char streamid[MAXSTREAMID]
Definition libdali.h:260
dltime_t pkttime
Definition libdali.h:248
char * dl_read_streamlist(DLCP *dlconn, const char *streamfile)
Create a compound regular expression from a list in a file.
Definition config.c:42
int64_t dl_match(DLCP *dlconn, char *matchpattern)
Set the packet match parameters for a connection.
Definition connection.c:391
int dl_recoverstate(DLCP *dlconn, const char *statefile)
Recover DataLink connection state from a file.
Definition statefile.c:95
void dl_freedlcp(DLCP *dlconn)
Free a DataLink Connection Parameter (DLCP) structure.
Definition connection.c:84
int dl_savestate(DLCP *dlconn, const char *statefile)
Save a DataLink connection state to a file.
Definition statefile.c:43
int dl_getinfo(DLCP *dlconn, const char *infotype, char *infomatch, char **infodata, size_t maxinfosize)
Request information from the DataLink server.
Definition connection.c:804
int64_t dl_position(DLCP *dlconn, int64_t pktid, dltime_t pkttime)
Position the client read position.
Definition connection.c:246
DLCP * dl_newdlcp(char *address, char *progname)
Create a new DataLink Connection Parameter (DLCP) structure.
Definition connection.c:42
int dl_collect(DLCP *dlconn, DLPacket *packet, void *packetdata, size_t maxdatasize, int8_t endflag)
Collect packets streaming from the DataLink server.
Definition connection.c:948
int64_t dl_reject(DLCP *dlconn, char *rejectpattern)
Set the packet reject parameters for a connection.
Definition connection.c:461
Definition libdali.h:236
Definition libdali.h:259
int dl_log(int level, int verb, const char *format,...)
Log a message using the global logging parameters.
Definition logging.c:215
void dl_loginit(int verbosity, void(*log_print)(char *), const char *logprefix, void(*diag_print)(char *), const char *errprefix)
Initialize global logging system parameters.
Definition logging.c:54
void dl_disconnect(DLCP *dlconn)
Disconnect a DataLink connection.
Definition network.c:219
SOCKET dl_connect(DLCP *dlconn)
Connect to a DataLink server.
Definition network.c:51
#define DLPACKET
Definition libdali.h:152
Definition libdali.h:139